今天小编分享的综合百科:policeman怎么读,policeman 读音,欢迎阅读。
1、policeman,读音:英 [pəˈliːsmən] 美 [pəˈliːsmən],警察;男警察。
2、A policeman was injured in the line of duty yesterday. 昨天有一名警察在执行公务时受伤。
3、Six people were killed in the riot, including a policeman. 暴乱中有六人死亡,包括一名警察。
4、As I had suspected all along, he was not a real policeman. 他并不是真的警察,我一直就觉得不像。
5、He blasted the policeman right between the eyes. 他对着那个警察的鼻梁“?”就是一拳。
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